Acknowledgements for the Analysis Application

This is a short, and likely incomplete, list of contributions and inspirations that helped in the development of a solid Analysis application. Along the way, we've given a nod towards a bit of history.

  • First and foremost a huge thank you to the original developers for the Vespa package, Philip Semanchuk, David Todd, Karl Young (and I guess me, Brian Soher) for the hard work and dedication to see this thing fly.

  • Also a solid nod towards the National Institutes of Health for funding this through grant number 1R01EB008387-01A1.

  • A big shout out to Jeff Steinberg who translated a bunch of the initial scientific modules from the original Klingon, I mean IDL.

Now for a little history and thank-yous! The original program that inspired this work was:

  • From SITools to IDL-Vespa - From 1996 until 2004, Brian Soher, Karl Young, Varanavasi Govindaraju, John Kornak and Denis Khetselius, with funding and inspiration from Andrew Maudsley at UC San Francico, wrote a number of papers and a whole bunch of IDL code to process and and analyze MRS data. The original SITools was a toolbox/pipeline approach, better suited to processing large spectroscopic imaging data sets. This software eventually morphed (due to NIH funding) into the MIDAS package for multi-modal EPSI data processing and analysis. To simplify benchtopping new algorithms, a small application called IDL-Vespa was writeen for processing single voxel data. This new application benefited greatly from the knowledge and wisdom amassed through years of code creep in SITools. IDL-Vespa was quite modular, but contained all within one application. It processed MRS data from raw k-space to fitted metabolite using techniques described in many of Dr. Soher's papers. Soher aquired funding for maintaining and extending IDL-Vespa into the Vespa-Analysis application in 2008.