Vespa's INI Files

Vespa has four INI files that reside in the [VespaDataDirectory Vespa data directory]. There's one INI file for each application and a fourth called vespa.ini.

Each INI file contains a comment at the top that gives an overview of the entries in the INI file.

Vespa knows how to recreate an INI file de novo, so if your INI file has become broken or you just want to return to factory settings, you can exit all Vespa apps, delete one or more INI files, and then re-run the app.

Debug Entries in vespa.ini

Developers might want to add a [debug] section to vespa.ini. At present, that section can take four entries. We suggest that developers use these settings –


Note that INI file booleans can be "true", "false", "yes", "no", "on", "off", "1" or "0". Case doesn't matter.

hook_exceptions is a boolean. When True (the default), exceptions are captured and displayed in a user-friendly "oops" dialog. When False, exceptions are not captured. Most developers will want to set this to False.

show_wx_inspector is also a boolean. When True, Each Vespa app will add an item the bottom of the Help menu that allows you to launch the wx window inspector. This is off by default.

numpy_error_response defines how a subset of numpy errors are reported, as described in numpy's seterr() function. Valid values for this INI file setting are "ignore", "print", "warn" and "raise". You can also leave it blank, in which case numpy's default behavior (which is distribution-dependent) will not be altered.

In my limited experience, under OS X numpy is set to {'over': 'print', 'divide': 'print', 'invalid': 'print', 'under': 'ignore'}. Under Windows & Ubuntu, this is set to ignore all the way through. This can (and probably does) vary per numpy distro, so don't assume too much.

verbose_oc is a boolean. It enables or disables printing of activity to the console when RFPulse's Optimal Control is running.