Porting HLSVD to Python

This document was written before the port. It's an outline of the pros and cons of porting and also contains a preliminary plan of attack. It's here for historical interest.

Some Observations

Porting in General

When porting any code from one language to another, one always has to decide how much idiomatic translation to apply. A certain minimum is always imposed by the differences in languages. A bit more is within easy grasp (the proverbial "low-hanging fruit") and is worth doing. Too much, however, is too much, as I think most will agree. The problem is that the we sometimes don't realize how deep the water is until we take a step and find it over our heads.

The most straightforward kind of port is a rote, line-by-line, context-free port that doesn't take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the languages. For instance, consider this Fortran loop:

do 160 i = 1,kfit
   amp(i) = scale * amp(i)

The straightforward translation into Python would be as a "for" loop, but it'd be more Pythonic (and faster) to express it as a list comprehension.

This is a small example of a larger topic. How much should one consider idiom when porting? That question has no easy answer, but it's important to consider because it affects the advantages and disadvantages below.

Rote, idiom-free ports require the least skill and understanding of the source material. However, the result is never pretty. Even if the source is beautifully written, it won't look so beautiful expressed in another language.

What's more, a completely rote, mechanical port usually isn't possible. For instance, Fortran typically uses lots of goto statements which Python doesn't have. Look at the goto statements in the code below (from imtql1() in hlsvdpro.f). It's simply not possible to mechanically port this to a goto-less language.

   20    do 30 m=l,n
            if (m.eq.n) go to 40
            if (dabs(e(m)).le.machep*(dabs(d(m))+dabs(d(m+1)))) goto 40
   30    continue
   40    p = d(l)
         if (m.eq.l) go to 80
         if (j.eq.30) go to 130
         j = j + 1

If the unpleasant part of porting is coping with features that don't exist in the target language, the pleasant part is taking advantage of features that only the target language has. An obvious feature in this case would be OOP.

Once one gets sufficiently far into replacing flow control and variable names, and taking advantage of new features like OOP, one begins to leave the realm of porting and enter the realm of rewrite. This well-intentioned journey can end in disaster if one isn't careful.

The Advantages of Porting

This assumes a port to pure Python using numpy.

  • Easier debugging. The more Pythonic the port is, the easier it will be to debug.
  • Accessible to a wider audience. If other people are interested in this library, the Python version is probably more accessible than the Fortran version. (In any other discipline, this argument would be very strong. But Fortran's popularity in the sciences undermines it a bit.)
  • No binaries to schlep around in SVN, backups, end-user packages, etc.
  • No more fussing with Fortran compilers
  • Proper error handling (raised exceptions)

The Disadvantages of Porting

  • The cost in time. This is the most obvious – it will take some time to port this code.
  • New bugs introduced by the process.
  • Slower. By how much? We don't know.
  • Difficulty. Most of the Fortran code is chopped up into reasonable functions, but some of it is nevertheless long and opaque.


Port it like an onion.

We've already discovered that it's pretty straightforward to call Fortran code from Python. All of the functions in the HLSVD Fortran code are visible to users of the binary library, so callers are not limited to calling just hlsvd_(). They can also call lanczo_(), vanmon_(), etc. This means that we can call any Fortran function at any time.

This makes it possible to port HLSVD like an onion, one layer at a time.

The file [project:browser:/trunk/hlsvd/src/hlsvdpro.f hlsvdpro.f] contains the subroutine hlsvdpw_python() is one of two wrappers around the function hlsvdpro() which is where the work really starts. One could start by porting hlsvdpro() to Python, but without porting any of the subroutines that it calls (lanczo(), vanmon(), etc.) Those sub-subroutines are the second layer of the onion.

Port the first layer to Python and use ctypes to call into that second layer. Once you've got the first layer in Python and it behaves correctly, then you can tackle the second layer.

Onion-ing breaks the problem up into manageable pieces. The pieces give you places to stop and take a breather. Onion-ing also modularizes the code which makes it easier to hunt down bugs and performance problems.