PyGamma vs Gamma
Speed comparisons between the SWIG-ed version of gamma, called pygamma, and the C++ version of gamma. The comparisons were done using python2.5 for the python code and compiling the C++ code using the gamma program (installed by making and installing the gamma code). e.g. ‘gamma'. The differences in timing ranges from 9% to 25%. Presumably this depends on how C++ intensive the code is and how much data needs to be passed between Python and C++ in the pygamma version.
A. Free Induction Decay Experiment
A simple FID test.
1. For a 6 spin system, and doing 100 iterations
- glutamate.sys
The time comparisons are listed below:
- gamma: 14.2 seconds
- pygamma: 16.93 seconds
Ratio 1.192, or 19% slower.
2. Using a 3 spin system and 15,000 iterations
- System: gsh_test.sys
Timing results below:
- gamma: 6.77 seconds
- pygamma: 8.45 seconds
Ratio of 1.25 or 25% slower for pygamma.
In this case there is more setup and calling of gamma routines from python.
B. Spin Echo with a Real Pulse
Simulation of 400 realpulse spin-echo experiments each with a varying time delay
Rough Results reported via email:
- gamma the average (of 3 runs) took: 20.5 seconds
- pygamma the average (of 3 runs) took: 23.5 seconds
More Accurate Results (on a separate computer) with cleaned-up code:
- gamma the average of 4 runs took : 15.92 seconds
- pygamma the average of 4 runs took : 17.405 seconds
Ratio: 1.093 or 9.3% difference.
Code Used for these two experiments
From: orphans/dtodd/performance/gamma_vs_pygamma
FID Experiment
from future import division import pygamma as pg import time import fid_kernel
#infile = ‘glutamate.sys' infile = ‘gsh_test.sys'
t1 = time.time()
sys1 = pg.spin_system()
mxlist = []
i=0 while i<15000 : mx = fid_kernel.fid_kernel(sys1) mxlist.append(mx) i+=1
t2 = time.time()
print ‘fid_speedtest took %0.3f seconds' % ((t2-t1),)
#### C++:
#include "gamma.h" #include
using namespace std;
TTable1D & fid_test(spin_system & sys, TTable1D &mx);
//string sysfile = glutamate.sys string sysfile ="gsh_test.sys";
int main() { clock_t start, end; start = clock();
spin_system sys1;;
vector<TTable1D> mxlist;
TTable1D mx;
for(int i=0; i<15000; i++)
fid_test(sys1, mx);
end = clock();
double elapsed_time = static_cast<double>((end - start))/static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
char str_time[100];
sprintf(str_time, "%.2f", elapsed_time);\
cout << "\nElapsed time: " << str_time << "\n\n";
return 0; }
TTable1D & fid_test(spin_system & sys, TTable1D &mx) {
gen_op H; gen_op D; gen_op sigma0; acquire1D ACQ;
H = Hcs(sys) + HJ(sys); D = Fm(sys);
acquire1D ac(D, H, 0.001); // Set up acquisition ACQ = ac;
sigma0 = sigma_eq(sys); // Equilibrium density matrix sigma0 = Ixpuls(sys, sigma0, 90.0); // Apply a 90x pulse
mx = ACQ.table(sigma0); // Transitions table (no lb)
return mx; }
### Spin Echo Realpulse Experiment
from future import division import pygamma as pg import spin_echo_realpulse_kernel import time
dir = "" insysfile = dir + "gsh_test.sys" inpulse180file = dir + "bjs180_1.txt"
sys1 = pg.spin_system()
pulse1 = pg.row_vector.read_pulse(inpulse180file, pg.row_vector.ASCII_MT_DEG)
t1 = time.time()
mxlist = [] times = [] for i in range(400): times.append(.024 + i*.001/200.)
#print times
for time1 in times : mx = spin_echo_realpulse_kernel.spin_echo_realpulse_kernel(time1, sys1, pulse1) mxlist.append(mx)
t2 = time.time()
print ‘fid_speedtest took %0.3f seconds' % ((t2-t1),)
from future import division import pygamma as pg
def spin_echo_realpulse_kernel(time, sys, pulse):
t1 = time
t2 = time
pulsestep = 0.00001
specfreq = sys.Omega()
ptime = pg.row_vector(pulse.size())
#need to use pg.complex() so it can find correct function to call.
for j in range(pulse.size()):
ptime.put(pg.complex(pulsestep, 0), j)
pwf = pg.PulWaveform(pulse, ptime, "TestPulse")
pulc = pg.PulComposite(pwf, sys, "1H")
H = pg.Hcs(sys) + pg.HJ(sys);
D = pg.Fm(sys);
Udelay1 = pg.prop(H, t1);
Udelay2 = pg.prop(H, t2);
# Neet to effectively typecast D as a gen_op.
ac = pg.acquire1D(pg.gen_op(D), H, 0.001)
ACQ = ac;
sigma0 = pg.sigma_eq(sys)
sigma1 = pg.Iypuls(sys, sigma0, 90.0) #Apply a 90y pulse
sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay1) #Evolve through T1
Ureal180 = pulc.GetUsum(-1) #Get the propagator for steps of 180
sigma1 = Ureal180.evolve(sigma0) #Evolve through pulse
sigma0 = pg.evolve(sigma1, Udelay2) #Evolve through T2
mx = ACQ.table(sigma0) #Transitions table (no lb)
return mx ```
// This file contains a set of gamma tests
#include "gamma.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
TTable1D & spinecho_realpulse_test(double time, spin_system & sys, row_vector & pulse, TTable1D &mx);
string sysfile ="gsh_test.sys";
string pulse180file = "bjs180_1.txt";
int main()
clock_t start, end;
string dir = "";
string insysfile = dir + "gsh_test.sys";
string inpulse180file = dir + "bjs180_1.txt";
spin_system sys1;
sys1 = spin_system();;
// Read Pulse Files, Initialize Waveform --------------------------
row_vector pulse1 = row_vector::read_pulse(inpulse180file, row_vector::ASCII_MT_DEG);
start = clock();
vector<double> times;
cout << "\n";
for(int i=0; i<400; i++)
times.push_back(.024 + double(i)*.001/200.);
//cout << times[i] << " ";
//cout << "\n";
vector<TTable1D> mxlist;
vector<double>::iterator tv;
TTable1D mx;
for(tv = times.begin(); tv != times.end(); tv++)
spinecho_realpulse_test(*tv, sys1, pulse1, mx);
end = clock();
double elapsed_time = static_cast<double>((end - start))/static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
char str_time[100];
sprintf(str_time, "%.2f", elapsed_time);\
cout << "\nElapsed time: " << str_time << "\n\n";
return 0;
TTable1D & spinecho_realpulse_test(double time, spin_system & sys, row_vector & pulse, TTable1D &mx)
string outname = "test_lines";
gen_op H;
gen_op D;
gen_op sigma0;
gen_op sigma1;
gen_op Udelay1;
gen_op Udelay2;
HSprop Ureal180;
double t1 = time;
double t2 = time;
double pulsestep = 0.00001; // 1 msec pulse steps
acquire1D ACQ;
row_vector ptime(pulse.size());
for(int j=0; j<pulse.size(); j++)
ptime.put(pulsestep, j); // pulse steps
PulWaveform pwf(pulse, ptime, "TestPulse");
PulComposite pulc = PulComposite(pwf, sys, "1H");
H = Hcs(sys) + HJ(sys);
D = Fm(sys);
Udelay1 = prop(H,t1);
Udelay2 = prop(H,t2);
acquire1D ac(D, H, 0.001); // Set up acquisition
ACQ = ac;
sigma0 = sigma_eq(sys); // Equilibrium density matrix
sigma1 = Iypuls(sys,sigma0,90.0); // Apply a 90y pulse
sigma0 = evolve(sigma1,Udelay1); // Evolve through T1
Ureal180 = pulc.GetUsum(-1); // Get the propagator for steps of 180
sigma1 = Ureal180.evolve(sigma0); // Evolve through pulse
sigma0 = evolve(sigma1,Udelay2); // Evolve through T2
mx = ACQ.table(sigma0); // Transitions table (no lb)
return mx;