

Occasional OverflowThere's a problem that shows up very infrequently in the Python code. I'm not

sure if it represents a bug in my port or a weakness of the algorithm. (I suspect the former.) I see it only with the test dataset laser_2010102901.xml. The algorithm completes, but overflows in vanmon()

$ ./test.py original/dist/laser_2010102901.xml 
/Users/me/w/duke/src/duke-mr/hlsvdpro/hlsvdpro.py:304: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cdouble_scalars
  temp *= root
/Users/me/w/duke/src/duke-mr/hlsvdpro/hlsvdpro.py:304: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cdouble_scalars
  temp *= root
RMSE = 456.13, normalized RMSE = 11.32%

This occurs in approximately 3% of runs. I don't see it with any other data sets.

Why does this error occur sometimes and not others? The algorithm [HlsvdproPortRandomness uses random numbers], and some of those numbers work better than others.

Hidden Bugs

The test data I used is all of a certain flavor, but this algorithm is expected to handle a variety of data. It's certainly possible that running it against different data would expose bugs in the code that aren't exposed by the test data I used.


Compiling with Optimization

I've seen suggestions that dlamch.f (part of LAPACK) should not be compiled with optimization. I rebuilt my test version of HLSVDPRO with optimization disabled and immediately saw my old friend.

Optimization can cause some flaky problems, but my guess is that what's happening here is a bug in PROPACK being exposed by changes that optimization makes. Furthermore, I think there's a good chance that the bug is an array index bug (described below).

Array Indices

I suspect that the Fortran code contains bugs related to [HlsvdproPortFortranMemoryAllocation indices into the work and zwork arrays].