Simulation Dev
Vespa-Simulation is a graphical control and visualization program written in the Python programming language that provides a user friendly front end to the GAMMA/PyGAMMA NMR simulation library. Simulation is part of the free, open source Vespa package.
Simulation allows users to:
- Create and run a simulated Experiment (consisting of one or more spectral simulations) from lists of metabolites and pulse sequences.
- Store simulated Experiment results in a database.
- Display the results in a flexible plotting/graphing tool.
- Output results in xml, text or graphical formats to share with other users
- Design/test PyGAMMA pulse sequences for use in Simulation Experiments.
There are a number of predefined pulse sequences in the Vespa-Simulation environment. The database also contains extensive prior information (chemical shift and J-coupling) for many MR visible compounds.